Hvem er Københavns konkurrenter?
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Konkurrentanalyse for København 2023
Analysen kortlægger hvordan internationale besøgende oplever København som destination sammenlignet med vores konkurrenter. Analysen identificerer styrker, svagheder og muligheder på tværs af turismens værdikæde.
Competitive Index, All Visitors
Benchmarking the Copenhagen Brand Experience.
The Competition Mapping is based on two standard questions asked to all travelers in the global TRAVELSAT survey: alternatives considered and reasons for choosing. TCI Research has tracked all “’combinations of destinations” that were considered together in the travel inspiration process from our global database.

Competitive Index, MICE Visitors
Copenhagen is best-in-class for venue quality and communication infrastructure, which are two major drivers of MICE visitor’s satisfaction. Hospitality of venue staff in Copenhagen is also rated higher than average competition although Stockholm manages to offer an even better experience on this criteria