
'Copenhagen - A GeneroCity'

Foto: Lukas Bukoven

Udviklingen af aktiveringsmodellen ved events er sket med involvering af byens partnere og eventaktører. De har fundet ind til kernen af de københavnske værdier, der har dannet grundlaget for udvikling af kampagnen "Have Some Copenhagen". Fortællingen er kaldt "Copenhagen - A GeneroCity".

"​You will find a city full of delightfully available luxuries like open spaces, modern architecture and a vibrant cultural scene with all sort of activities spilling out into the streets. And it’s all surrounded by water, so taking a kayak excursion or a dip in the harbor is a must. Yes, the water is that clean.

​What more can you expect from the city that equals sustainable living design with human growth and inspire sharing of knowledge to the point of generous philanthropy?

​Copenhagen is not a just a city. It’s bustling neighborhoods flirting with the old capital. Its new urban swagger.

​You are invited to blend-in with the Danish culture, and the feeling of being treated like a local will make your visit so much more exciting - regardless if you are on your own adventure or part of a big event. And if you take the opportunity to chat up the locals, you can expect a generous reply in a variety of languages.

​And if you add innovative design, bicycle culture, the centre of nordic kitchen and easy-going-warm-breaks with a dash of cosmopolitan energy plus a diversity of offers from the Royal Ballet to hard rock concerts and backyard pop-culture galleries, Copenhagen is an excellent choice for the visionary events of the 21st century. All at a size that makes 'breathtaking' happen just around the corner.

​Copenhagen feels like a place where someone stopped time centuries ago to focus on highspeed innovation. With its old houses full of young local laptop geniuses and its welcoming seductive architecture, Copenhagen is a breathtaking experience where tradition greets the future – and generously let it slip into the spaces of the city, filling its fairytale with future tense.

​Copenhagen. A GeneroCity."